by DealerOneStop | Dec 7, 2023
The realm of automotive dealerships is already rife with expenses. Among these, one often overlooked cost is that of printer supplies. These can significantly dent the budget, particularly when not managed correctly. According to data from Dealix, dealerships can...
by DealerOneStop | Dec 1, 2023
Car buyers care a tremendous amount about the reviews Auto Dealerships get! Did you know that 60% of auto buyers are willing to drive over 50 miles for a dealership with positive online reviews. Treating customers well and ensuring they have an amazing...
by DealerOneStop | Dec 1, 2023
How much time do car buyers spend researching before making a new car purchase? Did you know that the average car buyer spends around 17 hours researching before making a purchase? That is a lot of time for you to stand out in helping them on their buyer...
by DealerOneStop | Nov 30, 2023
While the spotlight often shines on innovation and success in the automotive industry, failures give equal, if not more, important lessons. The feats of electric vehicle (EV) giant Tesla and impending autonomous driving technologies often cloud preceding missteps....
by DealerOneStop | Nov 29, 2023
Technology has revolutionized how businesses communicate with their customers, and the automotive industry is no exception. As customers increasingly rely on the internet to make purchasing decisions, maintaining a solid online reputation for your dealership has...